Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Aminath shares her experience with us... :-)

I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the event. I will cherish it always. It sure was a lot of fun! The singing, the dancing, the skating performance, the bike stunts, the stalls, the sets and everything else was just simply fab! Neil, Deepika, Pradeep Sarkar and the rest of the cast surely made it extra special!!The whole experience gave me a chance to witness an amazing slice of bollywood live!! It was simply wonderful!!

Also, I really appreciated the fact that you guys picked us up and also dropped us from the event. I was extremely tired because I was fasting! Anyway, it was a unique experience and one experience I will never ever forget! Neil and Deepika were very sweet and nice! Thanks soo much to them!

Thanks a lot, Congrats on a job well done to the whole team!!

All the best to Team LP!! Hope the movie does extremely well inshallah! Looking forward to it!! :)

Thanks a lot once again.

Warm regards,